acid trip примеры
- Malakian co-produced System of a Down's albums with Rick Rubin, as well as albums by The Ambulance and Bad Acid Trip (a band on fellow member Serj Tankian's Serjical Strike Records).
Малакян продюсировал альбомы System of a Down вместе с Риком Рубином , также, как и альбомы групп The Ambulance и Bad Acid Trip. - Malakian co-produced System of a Down's albums with Rick Rubin, as well as albums by The Ambulance and Bad Acid Trip (a band on fellow member Serj Tankian's Serjical Strike Records).
Малакян продюсировал альбомы System of a Down вместе с ? иком ? убином , также, как и альбомы групп The Ambulance и Bad Acid Trip.